Executive Director
800 N. Harvey Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
MALLCO State Statutory Code Sharing Agreement
July 2018 – June 2020
Participating libraries agree to maintain current versions of the state codes assigned under this agreement (Appendix A) through June 2018.
MALLCO libraries that are not part of the initial agreement may join later by informing the Executive Director who will coordinate reassignment of a minimum of three states to the new participant in consultation with current participants.
Participants agree to provide the following ILL services among participants:
Lexis and Westlaw will be used whenever possible before requesting material from a print code from a participating library.
Participating libraries agree to give ILL requests for statutory materials from other participating libraries high priority.
Ariel or a form of digital transmission is the preferred method of providing state statute content that is not available online.
If Ariel or a form of digital transmission is not possible, photocopying of up to 50 pages (requests for more pages will be honored if possible and at participant discretion) will be provided.
Request to have books shipped should be a last resort only and at the cost of the borrowing library. The host library may refuse to ship materials that are in use by the home institution for a class or for faculty/student research.
Participants agree to provide basic reference service during regular business hours limited to quick look-ups and quick cite checks at the discretion of the host library.
Cancellations: If a state designates the online version of its code as “official,” the law library assigned to maintain the print subscription under this agreement may cancel the print subscription to that state’s code after notifying the Executive Director. If The Bluebook changes the citation requirement in Rule 18 to allow citation to online commercial versions of the state codes (Westlaw, Lexis, Loislaw, Fastcase, etc.), a majority vote of the participants may dissolve this agreement.
Providing libraries agree to keep track of the reference and ILL requests they fill and provide these statistics to the MALLCO executive director once a year.
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Law School Director of the Law Library
Agreement Approved: July 17, 2016
Agreement renewed July 15, 2018